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Top 10 Ways to Green Your Summer Bash

Top 10 Ways to Green Your Summer Bash
28 May 2010


Top 10 Ways to Green Your Summer BashSummer is a time for friends, family, and fun, so why not go a little greener in the process? Here are some great ideas...1. Buy Vapur!Vapur is the perfect “green” party companion and can help you eliminate single-use bottled water at any event. You can even write guests’ names on the back, making great party favors too! Vapur bottles are reusable, foldable, easily portable, and a perfect match to every green summer bash.2. Send e-vites or use social media.Instead of wasting paper with traditional invitations, invite your guests to a summer bash electronically!3. Encourage your guests to carpool.By carpooling, your guests will not only save money on gas, but they will also reduce the amount of Carbon Dioxide that’s released into the air by cars.4. Buy locally grown foods.Just by purchasing locally grown food you’ll conserve fuel, support your local economy and also reduce pollution.5. Use cloth napkins and washable dishes.By using the reusable, you will be reducing the amount of trash at your party and saving some money.6. Set up recycling bins.Recycling is an important part of staying green, but, by reminding your guests to recycle, it just might influence others to go a little greener.7. Use fans instead of air conditioning.It may be hot this summer, but by turning off the A.C. and turning on some fans will not only cool you and your guests down, but also help the environment and lower your electrical bill.8. Serve Organic Wines and other alcoholic beveragesAlcohol can be a big part of summertime, with Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, so, why not make it part of your greening efforts. Not only are these types of beverages free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but, by purchasing organic products, you support farmers working to reduce soil pollution.9. Plant a tree or work in your garden.Not only can this be a fun family or group activity, but you will also be helping the environment, making your yard and planet more beautiful!10. Clean GreenAfter your party, be sure to clean green by using environmentally safe cleaning products and sending your guests home with the leftover food.Visit our facebook page to share your ideas!
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