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The Best Outdoor Activities for Staying Fit and Healthy This Summer

The Best Outdoor Activities for Staying Fit and Healthy This Summer
19 Aug 2022

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it can also be a time for getting fit and healthy. The outdoors provides plenty of opportunities for staying active while enjoying yourself. Here are some great activities to get moving and enjoy the warm weather at the same time.


If you're looking for a walking workout, consider hiking one of the many trails in your area. This is a great way to get your heart rate up and enjoy nature at the same time. You can find trails of all levels of difficulty, so no matter what your fitness level, there's a suitable trail for you.


Want to cool off and have fun? Swimming is a low-impact exercise that is easy on your joints and provides a workout for your whole body. Find a pool in your local area or head to the beach to get moving while enjoying the outdoors.


Rowing in a canoe is an excellent way to build arm and back strength while getting some fresh air. The movements are similar to row variations in the gym. Additionally, you'll engage your core plenty. If you don't have a canoe, you can always rent one.


Take your spin class outdoors! Cycling is a great cardio and quad workout. You can ride on trails, roads, or even on the beach. Some apps can help you set goals and record your progress. Be sure to wear a helmet and follow the rules of the road to stay safe.


Looking to stay moving while hanging out at the park? Frisbeeing can get your heart rate up while time flies. There are frisbees of all sizes and shapes, so no matter what your fitness level, you'll be set. Be sure to take a break now and then.


Consider playing tennis or another racket sport at your local park. Tennis provides a cardio workout and improves your hand-eye coordination. You can play tennis at your local park or the beach. Just be sure to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated!

Practicing Yoga

Taking a class outdoors allows you to savor the summer weather and take care of yourself at the same time. Yoga improves strength and flexibility, and it's also a great way to relax and de-stress. Some schools offer classes at the beach or even on rooftops overlooking the city. Bring a mat and water bottle, and you're all set.


Believe it or not, gardening provides a decent workout. You'll burn plenty of calories, but also tone your muscles as you dig, plant, and weed. There's something about getting your hands dirty and working in the garden that is therapeutic and satisfying. It can also help you connect with nature and produce fresh fruits and vegetables for your family.

Playing Volleyball

This game will get your heart rate up soaring as you run back and forth across the sand trying to keep the ball in play. Volleyball improves your coordination and works your whole body. Wearing a good heart rate monitor will help you track your cardio zones and calorie-burning. You can find volleyball games at your local park or beach.


There's nothing quite like spending a day out on the water with your loved ones, enjoying the fresh air and good company. Making memories is not the only benefit, as you'll also get some exercise. You have to use your arms to cast your line, and then use your legs to reel the fish in.

Be sure to mix up your workouts to avoid boredom. There are plenty of activities to choose from, so no matter what your interests or fitness level, you can find something fun to do.

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