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Take Your Bladder Hiking

Take Your Bladder Hiking
04 Dec 2014

Great hiking water bladder

Hiking is a perfect all-around sport that people in a variety of physical conditions can participate in, depending on the roughness of the terrain. No matter if the hike is a short trek or a full-day climb, proper hydration is essential. Maintaining the correct fluid balance keeps the body and mind working at full capacity. Keeping enough water around while hiking is as simple as carrying a hiking water bladder in a backpack. Hiking bladders are convenient and work well with most backpacks. The bladder can fit into a backpack compartment, with the hose fitting into the strap and exiting near the hiker’s mouth. Most of the hoses require that a person just simply bite the end in order to drink. The process is simple and hygienic and allows for hands-free hydration. The apparatus makes hiking easier for the average person. Many different models of hiking bladders exist, although they all function on the same principle of easy portability and compact storage. A moderately priced model can provide an adequate fluid supply and should be watertight. A less expensive model may leak, leaving the hiker without water and making an uncomfortable mess at the same time. The old adage about getting what one pays for holds true. Amazing hiking water bladder The amount of money the hiker should invest will depend largely on how often the bladder will be used. Dedicated hikers would be wise to equip themselves with quality products, even though they are more expensive. Thirty dollars should be enough to cover an adequate water vessel. Bladders begin at under twenty dollars but can easily climb to near a hundred for more sophisticated models. Most of the water bladders are foldable when empty, and some come with extra features that up the cost but that the purchaser may find worth the investment. For instance, some come with antimicrobial treatments to keep the water safer and angled shut-off valves to prevent spillage after use of the bladder. The more expensive models are also more visually appealing, but looks don’t mean much when the bladder is usually be hidden from view. The environmental benefits to using water bladders instead of disposable water bottles are immense. Though plastic bottles should be recycled, many never make it to the recycling plants, placing an ugly burden on the environment that is unfair to future generations. Investing in a hiking water bladder is good for the hiker and for Mother Nature. Hiking and other physical activities demand that people remain hydrated so they can perform at a top level and avoid the negative effects of dehydration, which can include muscle cramps, disorientation, and other physiological problems. The right hiking bladder keeps the wearer moving along and enjoying the scenery while getting an excellent workout, so it is definitely worth the investment.

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