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How Changing Your Diet Can Help Save the Environment

How Changing Your Diet Can Help Save the Environment
29 Jun 2020

You may know a diet based on plants can make you healthier by reducing your risk of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. But research shows that there is yet another good reason to eat meatless meals regularly. You can help save the planet by filling your plate with plant foods, instead of animal foods.

To meet the global climate crisis that is approaching, big lifestyle changes are required of those of us who live in rich countries. The wonderful news is that as our consumption is sustainable our way of life will remain meaningful and dignified. There's one step you can take to reduce harm to Mother Earth right away — eat less meat and move to a plant-based diet.

Kelly working with TFTH  said, This is one of the most effective things we can do because the food we produce and eat now destroys the very ecosystems we rely on for survival. Here are some gruesome facts.

The U.S. uses about half its land for farming. Unfortunately, the majority are used to raise livestock such as cattle, hogs, and poultry, or for livestock-eaten crops. For instance, the U.S. uses more than 90 million acres of good agricultural land to produce corn, mostly fed to livestock. This is true internationally, too. Much of the Amazon rainforest's deforestation is for grazing and growing soybeans, 80 percent of which is used as animal feed.

John manager at TrumpLearning and provides the best digital marketing course says, In addition to its large carbon footprint, the meat industry still uses many obsolete, unhealthy activities, including the use of pesticides and industrial fertilizers, monocultures, GMOs, and inhumane animal care. Industrial agriculture, on an unparalleled scale, degrades the soil, water, and climate, thereby destroying ecosystems and humans.

Another major problem with how we produce and consume food at the moment is that over 30 percent of food is wasted. So-called "imperfect" products are left on the market or discarded on the way to the store. Edible food in our fridges is left to spoil. Most of this ends up in landfills where greenhouse gases are released.

If you are wondering how you can help, you will be surprised by the many little ways you actually can save the world.

 Food is Valuable

First, we need to understand the value of food. Yeah, we have a lot of money. Yes, much may walk into a restaurant or supermarket and pick whatever the heart demands. But always try to ask yourself, do you really need this? There are limited resources in this world and the more we learn to respect them and use them wisely, the more it will help us.

Seasonal Eating

Because we have the luxury of picking up from the supermarkets all sorts of fruits and vegetables, we fall prey to the vicious cycle of mass production, and more often of unnatural means. It's not without justification that our Elders tell us there's a season for all. Wouldn't you agree with me that red carrots and oranges taste the best winter to come? Or are summers redundant without a bite into sumptuous mangos?

They found a huge difference in the vitamin C content of spinach harvested in the summer versus that in the winter, according to a study done by researchers in Japan. Similarly, a research study carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in London, England, found significant differences in the nutrient content of pasteurized milk in the summer versus winter due to differences in cow diets, which were fed more salt-preserved food in the winters.

Cut Down on Meat

Yeah, you've heard it before, and you're probably irritated that someone preaches about becoming vegetarian, but it may have some validity. Animal rearing requires a great deal of energy, including land and water, and meat production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions. According to TopAssignmentExperts a group of researchers from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "the livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three major contributors to the most severe environmental problems." It involves stresses such as deforestation, desertification, excretion of polluting nutrients, diversion of grain for use as feed and emission of GHGs.

Go Organic

You've heard it a million times and you hear it again and again. The way forward is to go organic. Most of the "new" products on the shelves are all laden with chemicals and pesticides, which can eventually cause various adverse effects to our bodies, such as cancer, to name one. It's about time you pay a little attention to what you're filling your shopping carts with and how you and your loved ones can make a difference.

Cook Food

Easier said than done, but the satisfaction of being able to prepare your own food is tremendous. We often tend to dine out the busy lives we live today, where we are constantly chasing time, and get our hands on any fast food to curb those hunger pangs. And that is exactly where we go wrong. Say goodbye to food packaged, processed and fast, and start cooking for a while. Select your favorite food products and find recipes that are easy to dish out, and you'll be amazed at the many health benefits it offers as remarked by John, an expert providing write my essay on food topics.


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