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Festival-Friendly Vapur Tips

Festival-Friendly Vapur Tips
18 Sep 2012
Something most don’t know, Vapur Team members are avid music lovers and tunes are constantly streaming throughout the day at Vapur HQ. Music has always been a source of inspiration and expression, defining those that choose to listen by genres, trends and tastes. As a thread that binds people together, it’s no wonder that music festivals have become such a large part of the ultimate listener’s music experience.But for those making their way to a music festival, it’s important to be equipped with the right tools and, as a foldable, reusable, easily stashable hydration solution, the Anti-Bottle has quickly become a festival “must have.” With the music-enthused Vapur Team on board and the Anti-Bottle already inducted, getting more involved in the festival scene was a natural step forward for Vapur.This year, Vapur is the proud Hydration Sponsor of the second annual DeLuna Fest, hydrating over 40k festival goers and greatly reducing the waste caused by disposable bottles. The DeLuna Music Festival is held Sept 21-23, gathering music enthusiasts together on the beach of Pensacola, Florida.If you’re attending the DeLuna Fest or any other music festival, we have some quick Vapur tips on how to stay safe and keep it green during the festivities.1) DRINK WATEROf course! We’re a hydration company, what did you expect us to say? Most music festivals are held outdoors under the summer sun and one of the most common dangers to attendees is dehydration. Your body needs to be consistently replenished with water, especially if you're sweating up a storm while rocking out.At DeLuna Fest, Vapur sponsored water stations are being provided to all attendees for safe, clean, free drinking water throughout the weekend. Drink up!2) 50 SHADES OF SHADEStay hydrated, stay safe and keep covered! (Not to be your mom) wear sunblock, a hat, long sleeves or hang out under a tent... do anything you can to help protect yourself from getting too much sun. Sun damage can be harmful to your health and, let’s face it, nobody wants to see you looking like a red and white zebra all weekend.3) REDUCE & REUSEKick the disposable bottle habit and reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle to the festival! Reusable water bottles are also generally sold at festivals for those thirsty individuals who forgot to pack their own.Stop by the merch tents at Deluna Fest to pick up a Vapur Anti-Bottle!4) Oh, AND RECYCLEEvery year, 200 billion bottles of water are consumed globally, but unfortunately, only about 12% of these water bottles are recycled. While disposable bottles are still sold at the majority of music festivals, those with the mindset to go green, provide recycling incentive programs.Vapur and DeLuna Fest are partnering to offer a $2 discount on Vapur Anti-Bottles sold at the event to all individuals that turn in 10 empty disposable water bottles.5) CARPOOLNo, don’t drive your car into a pool; ride share! Many festivals have ride sharing programs to help festival goers save gas and the environment!Well, there you have five Vapur tips on how to stay safe and keep it green at music festivals! If you have your own tips & tricks, post them on our Facebook page.
I hope to see you at DeLuna Fest 2012!
Happy hydrating,Jenny GuyVapur Marketing Manager
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