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8 Actionable Tips to Have a Sustainable Hiking Experience

8 Actionable Tips to Have a Sustainable Hiking Experience
07 Sep 2021

Opt to visit a lesser-known trail

Overtourism is one of the effects that global tourism has on many beautiful natural spots worldwide. As a hiker, you’re probably quite interested in the popular hiking spots of an area that you’re in.

However, these places receive a ton of foot traffic that affects the quality of these famous hiking spots.

If you don’t have to be on these trails, try and go to the more lesser-known hiking trails instead. You won’t be contributing to the over-tourism of these areas that could affect the degradation of the path.

Mind you, going to less crowded trails allows you to enjoy the natural scenery on the course.

Stay on the trail

When you’re hiking anywhere, avoid going off the trail as much as possible. You might be too enthusiastic in wanting to feel like an adventurer that’s breaking new grounds, which is why you wanted to go off the trail. However, you’re doing a lot of harm without you even knowing simply because you decided to step off of the course.

You could be damaging the shelter of local fauna. You could be harming local flora as well because you’re stepping on them without you noticing.

Aside from that, you can get yourself in danger because these trails likely aren’t there for a reason. For your safety and the safety of local flora and fauna, stay on the path.

Pack your reusable water bottle

Way too many people are reliant on plastic water bottles, which pollute our land and water. You can even find traces of these plastic water bottles in the world's most remote places, which is not a good sign. Therefore, you should avoid purchasing plastic water bottles.

Reusable water bottles like Vapur are readily available nowadays, so there’s no excuse for you to continue to use plastic water bottles. You can easily refill the content of the reusable water bottle.

Aside from that, you reduce the waste that you produce when you’re out on a hike, so it’s incredibly convenient.

Invest in well-made hiking gear

Well-made hiking gear is a crucial investment. That's because it ensures that you can fully enjoy your hike as comfortably as possible.

Aside from that, well-made hiking gear is a lot safer to use. There are many hiking gears that you should work on investing in better quality ones.

For example, when purchasing walking sticks for hiking, you want to make sure they’re well-made. You do not wish to risk bringing a walking stick that will break in the middle of your hike. It can pose a danger.

Also, a well-made walking stick will last you a long time so you won’t have to spend money to replace them all the time.

With high-quality hiking gear, your things will last longer. It also ensures your safety and comfort.

Practice the Leave No Trace principle

When you’re hiking, you want to make sure that you leave an as minimal impact or change on the environment as possible. Many avid hikers know that you should follow the Leave No Trace principle when hiking.

This principle states that you should leave nature precisely as you found it if you can’t leave it better than you found it.

The Leave No Trace principle applies no matter how extended or short your stay around nature is. Even with a simple day hike, you should ensure that you behave and not leave any trace.

Please don’t pick up things and move them somewhere else, especially smaller animals or creatures that you’ve taken a liking to. You never know how you can affect the ecosystem in that way.

Pitch a tent in designated sites

We’ve mentioned before how you shouldn’t be hiking outside of the hiking trails as designated. The exact reasons why you shouldn’t be hiking outside of the track are the same as why you should be pitching a tent within a designated site.

You don’t want to harm the flora and fauna that could make their home outside the designated campsites. Aside from that, it can be dangerous if wildlife finds its way into your tent because it’s not on a designated site.

Be fire smart

You must ensure that you are responsible for how you start campfires when you’re out camping and hiking. Avoid creating a campfire outside of designated campfire areas because you might cause a wildfire. If you can, it’s best to use a camping propane stove instead, which is more convenient anyway.

Manage your waste

Waste management is a critical skill that you need to learn when you’re out hiking. The waste that you generate when hiking can have a hugely adverse effect on the environment and wildlife.

If you’re generating any waste, make sure to keep it with you until you get to a place where you can safely get rid of them. Also, avoid answering the call of nature anywhere near a body of water.

Also, food waste that is deemed compostable such as banana peels, should not be thrown away.

Over to You

The tips listed above can help you take small steps to hike sustainably. After all, being a sustainable hiker allows you to enjoy your well-loved outdoor activity for a long time.

You’re also preserving the environment so that future generations may be able to enjoy these hiking trails as well.

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