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5 Easy Ways To Help Protect the Environment

5 Easy Ways To Help Protect the Environment
08 Jun 2022

The human influence on climate change is virtually impossible to deny. However, much like people contribute to harming the environment, they can also work to help heal and protect it. The following five ideas are great ways to make a positive impact on your natural environment. 

1. Choose Renewable Energy Sources

A strong reliance on fossil fuels may have driven the industrial revolution, but it also contributed to serious climate consequences. Luckily, modern technology makes harnessing renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, much more accessible to average households.

Two ways to really make an impact with renewable energy is to incorporate solar panels and an electric vehicle into your lifestyle. Some families even choose to combine the two and use solar panels to charge their EV. Utilizing a car buying service can help make the process of finding a good combination easier.   

2. Practice the 3 Rs of Conservation

The three Rs of conservation are reuse, recycle and reduce. They have long been touted by environmentalists as effective strategies to combat waste and preserve natural resources. The good news is that putting this into practice isn’t going to break the bank. One of the biggest hesitancies people have when it comes to sustainability practices is the upfront cost. With mortgages, student loans, and everyday expenses, spending a fortune on green products isn’t doable for most people. Practicing the three 3s is a cost effective way for you to help conserve our planet. Take a closer look at how to apply each one in daily life. 

•        Reduce — Try to cut back on the amount of waste you create. When buying consumables, buy items that are high quality and will last a long time. When it comes to groceries, only buy food you know you will eat and won’t end up having to throw away.

•        Reuse — Disposability is commonly viewed as progress in modern society. However, that mentality has led to a significant accumulation of trash. Do your best to choose reusable products instead of single-use ones. A refillable water bottle is an excellent example. It is also helpful to be conscious of excess packaging when making purchases. 

•        Recycle — Research ways you can recycle materials beyond the curbside bin. Metal scraps, electronics and old appliances can all be given a chance at a second life if they are taken to the right place. 

3. Cut Down on Household Water Use

You might be surprised to learn that, on average, Americans each use about 80 gallons of water per day. That can really add up. Take a few minutes to calculate your water footprint to get an idea of your own use levels. Once you have that information, consider ways you can cut back.

Here are a few simple ideas that can make a big difference in how much water your household goes through each day:

•       Install low-flow showerheads

•       Add an empty plastic bottle to the toilet tank

•       Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when they are full

•       Add aerators to faucets

•       Swap out your lawn for an attractive xeriscaping landscape

4. Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaners

Traditional household chemicals can have serious negative consequences for the environment and wildlife. Many contain VOCs, which can impact local ecosystems and create imbalances over time.  Green cleaners are available in almost all grocery and big box stores, making this an incredibly easy way to protect the environment. 

5. Reduce Food Waste

It may seem odd to think that your eating habits cause problems for the environment, but they can (and often do).  Food waste is a major concern for several reasons. First, it concentrates nutrient-dense foods in wealthier countries, leaving poorer ones without sufficient food resources. Storing, transporting, and selling all of that wasted food also requires a huge amount of natural resources and fossil fuels. 

A simple way to stop this is to start measuring portions of food. Use these amounts to build shopping lists and create meal plans. Then, make it a point to use or preserve the food you purchase. You might also want to invest in a kitchen composter to handle inedible scraps and peels. 


There are many ways you can help protect the environment each and every day, such as choosing alternative fuels, reducing food waste, switching to green cleaners and cutting back on water use. 

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