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4 Ways To Prepare Yourself for Hot Summer Activities

4 Ways To Prepare Yourself for Hot Summer Activities
13 Sep 2022

Nothing beats the summertime for outdoor activities. Whether you’re taking impromptu trips to the beach, camping and sleeping under the stars, or playing outdoor sports with friends, summertime is the best time to get out and enjoy the great outdoors.

But all that fun and excitement does carry a risk. This year, climate scientists have recorded record-breaking heat waves across the U.S., with temperatures reaching 112 F in some parts of the nation.

As a lover of sunshine and outdoor fun, you must prepare yourself for extreme heat and plan for activities that require you to be outside for lengthy periods. It’s all too easy to get sunstroke or become dehydrated when lounging on the beach or playing a pick-up soccer game with friends at the park.

Here are four things you can do to prepare and make sure you stay safe while having fun in the summer sun:

Activities to Beat the Heat

Even if the sun is blazing, you may still be able to get outside and enjoy some of your favorite activities this summer. You can even discover some new activities that can help you stay fit as you ditch scorching playing fields for the beach or other naturally cool spots in your area.

If the temperatures in town are climbing above your heat tolerance, consider heading out of town and into the mountains or foothills. Mountainous regions tend to stay cooler than areas that are at sea level.

You can benefit from this effect by taking yourself out of town and considering activities like:

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