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3 Ways to Be Eco Friendly at Home

3 Ways to Be Eco Friendly at Home
15 Sep 2021

It’s hard to escape the constant news and talk of environmental issues. From climate change to waste production, our planet is seeing the negative effects of excess living. Those scary statistics are pushing more people to make sustainable choices and to be more eco-friendly. According to one survey, 87% of people are making efforts to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

But, far too many people don’t make environmentally sound choices because they don’t know how to get started. Or, you might think you can’t make a difference because you’re just one person.

Imagine, though, if everyone started making positive environmental changes. Even just small swaps and solutions can end up making a big difference, and it starts at home.

If you want to commit to living more sustainably, it’s okay to start small. Let’s cover three ways you can be eco-friendlier at home. Once you get started, you might be inspired to make more positive changes that will help encourage others and contribute to a brighter future for the next generation.

1. Make Energy-Efficient Changes

Americans spend $130 billion each year on wasted energy, and that starts in the home. Thankfully, by making a few simple changes and upgrades, you can turn your home from an energy drainer into an energy saver. That starts with knowing the biggest energy drainers in your home. Some of the most prominent culprits are:

●      Air conditioning

●      Water heating

●      Appliances

●      Lighting

●      Media equipment

One of the easiest ways to cut back on energy waste is to invest in energy-efficient appliances. It might cost some money upfront, but you can save hundreds on your utility bills each month and know you’re doing something good for the planet.

Other small changes you can make include taking shorter showers, turning off lights when you leave a room, sealing up windows and doors, and waiting until your dishwasher is full before running a cycle.

If you live with other family members, turn your energy-saving endeavors into a competition. You’ll be surprised at how quickly everyone in the household tries to “outdo” each other with their efforts.

2. Reduce Your Waste

Every American produces an average of 4.5 pounds of waste each day. That equates to over 1,600 pounds every year. The biggest contributor is food, followed closely by plastic. It’s easy to throw things away when you think you’re “done” or that those items don’t have another use. But, by shifting your mindset you can cut back on your individual waste and encourage others to do the same.

When it comes to limiting food waste, try things like planning your meals ahead of time, and using leftovers to get creative with multiple meals. When you’re dining out, ask for smaller portions or take a “doggy bag” home to enjoy leftovers the next day. Before you go shopping, check your fridge and pantry to see what you already have on hand, so you won’t buy too much of something.

If you want to reduce plastic waste at home, the easiest way is to choose alternative products, especially when it comes to water bottles. Carry around a refillable bottle, whether it’s made of stainless steel, aluminum, or even glass. Try to avoid single-use plastic in any form, including bags and packaging.

Because of the world we live in, some single-use plastic is unavoidable. The next best thing you can do is to set up a recycling station in your home. It’s a great way to give plastic a new life, and it can inspire your family members to recycle more of their own goods.

3. Pick Products Wisely

You probably don’t think about the makeup you use, the products you clean with, or your gardening supplies as “dangerous” to the environment.

Unfortunately, you could be wrong.

The products you use each day aren’t always what they seem. So, it’s important to become a label reader when it comes to anything you’re using on yourself or around your house.

Cleaning products, for example, often contain harmful chemicals and air pollutants that can damage the planet as well as your health. Thankfully, there are plenty of eco-friendly cleaning solutions on the market today with multiple benefits, including:

●      They’re easier on your skin

●      They help to maintain your furniture

●      Healthier for kids and pets

●      They can save money

Even gardening supplies can be harmful to you and the environment. Don’t let your green efforts go south with harsh plant chemicals. Additionally, check your soil. If you open an older bag, it could contain vermiculite – a mineral mined from the same ore deposits as asbestos. Gardening is a fantastic way to give back to the planet and grow your food, but make sure you do it as organically as possible.

Being eco-friendly doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Making small changes at home can open your eyes to more sustainable opportunities in your everyday life.

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